ISO 9001 Certified by NSF-ISR
Proshred® is the first and only secure on-site document shredding company in America to meet the rigorous standards of the International Organization for Standardization’s 9001 Certified by NSF-ISR, for quality management and customer satisfaction.
Proshred® ISO 9001 Certified by NSF-ISR
As a Proshred® customer, you can feel confident that we always have top-of-mind awareness of your security needs. Your confidentiality is our first and most important concern; you can be assured that you are receiving one of the industry's best security procedures and customer service experiences.
Third-Party Assurance and Audit
ISO 9001 Certified by NSF-ISR, is recognized as the international standard for achieving excellence in system performance, customer service, and continuous improvement. ISO 9001 Certified by NSF-ISR provides our customers with third-party assurance of the integrity of Proshred®’s world-class quality and security procedures.
It requires Proshred® to demonstrate the ability to consistently provide secure document shredding services that meet customer expectations as well as applicable regulatory requirements. The certification also demands that we uphold customer satisfaction levels by communicating with clients and measuring their satisfaction (excluding the PROSCAN® and Secure E-Cycle brands).
The Eight Management Principles
The ISO 9001:2015 Certified by NSF-ISR standard is based on eight quality management principles: customer focus, leadership, involvement of people, process approach, systems approach to management, continual improvement, fact-based decision-making, and mutually beneficial supplier relationships.
Each and every Proshred® employee is charged with the responsibility to follow the business and document destruction procedures required to maintain ISO 9001:2015 certification. All employees receive ISO 9001:2015 Certified by NSF-ISR standards training in conjunction with training in the principles that allow them to provide one of the most secure paper shredding services in the business (excluding the PROSCAN® and Secure E-Cycle brands).
They must each complete a rigorous training regimen leading to their own Customer Service Professional certification. When you have your documents and other proprietary materials destroyed by Proshred®, you're partnering with a dual-certified company, with quality and security.
Trusted Customer Service Professionals
The employees most critical to this process are our frontline security personnel. These Customer Service Professionals, who collect and destroy our customers’ most confidential materials, are fully screened and background checked.
They must each complete a rigorous training regimen leading to their own Customer Service Professional certification. When you have your documents and other proprietary materials destroyed by Proshred®, you are partnering with certified quality and security.