An empty classroom

The sound of the final school bell has rung, and summer vacation is officially here! While kids are busy making memories and soaking up the sun, parents have a unique opportunity to tackle some organizational tasks that may have been put on hold during the busy school year. One of the most important tasks to prioritize is protecting your child’s identity by securely shredding sensitive documents.

The Importance Of Protecting Your Child’s Identity

Identity theft is a serious and growing issue, with children being particularly vulnerable targets. According to a 2018 Javelin Strategy & Research study, over one million children in the United States were victims of identity fraud in 2017. This type of fraud can have long-lasting effects on a child’s credit score and financial future, as well as cause emotional distress for both the child and their parents.

Regulations For FERPA Compliance

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that affords parents and students certain rights regarding education records. FERPA’s primary aim is to protect the privacy of student education records and ensure that personal information is handled securely. Schools that receive funding from the U.S. Department of Education are required to comply with FERPA regulations. This includes providing parents (and eligible students) the right to access their education records, the opportunity to request the amendment of records they believe to be inaccurate or misleading and some control over disclosing personally identifiable information (PII) from these records.

To ensure FERPA compliance during the summer, parents should be vigilant about securely storing and disposing of documents that contain their child’s education records. When it comes time to discard these documents—be they old report cards, standardized test scores, or any other school records—utilizing a secure shredding service can help prevent unauthorized access and protect their child’s identity. By being proactive and adhering to FERPA regulations, parents can reduce the risk of identity theft and safeguard their child’s educational privacy.

Why Summer Is The Perfect Time For Secure Shredding

Summer changes families’ routines, making it an ideal time to tackle organizational tasks such as decluttering and shredding documents. With children out of school and parents often taking time off work for vacations, schedules are more flexible, allowing time to dedicate to these tasks.

Additionally, many families use summer to clean out and prepare for the upcoming school year. This presents an opportunity to review old files and paperwork, identifying sensitive documents that should be securely shredded.

How Secure Shredding Protects Your Child’s Identity

Secure shredding involves using specialized equipment to destroy personal information documents, making them impossible for identity thieves to access. This includes anything from bank statements and credit card offers to medical records and school forms.

Onsite shredding services provide unparalleled convenience and security for protecting your child’s identity. These services involve a professional shredding company coming directly to your home or place of work with a mobile shredding truck. The secure shredding process is performed onsite, allowing you to witness the destruction of your sensitive documents firsthand. This eliminates any concerns about the potential risk of documents being lost or stolen during transportation to an offsite facility.

Onsite shredding services often accommodate both scheduled appointments and one-time purges, offering flexibility to fit your timeline and needs. The shredding process is swift and efficient and adheres to strict security standards, ensuring that all personal information is properly destroyed. By opting for onsite shredding, parents can enjoy peace of mind knowing that their child’s sensitive data is safeguarded against identity theft while complementing their summer organizational efforts.

Why Shred School Documents?

School-related documents often contain sensitive information about children, including their full name, date of birth, and sometimes even their social security number. These documents range from report cards and medical forms to permission slips and student IDs.

If these documents are not properly disposed of, identity thieves can easily steal or obtain them. This is especially concerning as schools often have large amounts of paperwork on file for each student, making them a prime target for potential fraudsters.

Tips For Secure Shredding During Summer Break

Here are some tips for parents to ensure secure shredding during summer break:

  1. Set aside time specifically dedicated to decluttering and shredding old documents.
  2. Gather all school-related paperwork in one place to identify which ones contain sensitive information that must be shredded.
  3. Invest in a reliable shredding machine or consider using a professional shredding service.
  4. Double-check that all documents have been destroyed before disposing of them.
  5. Be sure to store important documents, such as birth certificates and social security cards, securely.

Other Ways To Protect Your Child’s Identity

In addition to secure shredding, there are other measures parents can take to protect their child’s identity during the summer months:

  • Keep important documents locked away: Secure sensitive documents like Social Security cards, passports, and birth certificates.
  • Monitor your child’s credit report: While children typically do not have credit reports until they turn 18, it is still important for parents to check them regularly for suspicious activity.
  • Educate your child about online safety: As children spend more time online during the summer, teaching them about internet safety and protecting their personal information is crucial.
  • Use strong passwords: Encourage your child to use strong, unique passwords for their online accounts to prevent hackers from accessing their information.


Protecting your child’s identity is not something that should be put off until a later time. By taking action now and using secure shredding services, you can have peace of mind knowing that your child’s personal information is safe and secure. Make it a priority this summer to declutter and securely shred any sensitive documents so you can spend more time enjoying the season with your family. Proshred® Minnesota provides secure shredding services for families and businesses, helping to prevent identity theft and protect sensitive information. Contact us today to learn more about our onsite shredding options.