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Fairfax County Shredding: Secure Your Information

Tips When Seeking Shredding Services in Fairfax County   How valuable is the reputation of your business? If important financial paper documents are stolen from the discarded trash or recycling, it could damage both reputation and the future financial well-being of a business. Learn why businesses are and should seek professional Fairfax County shredding services

Costs of Information Security in Northern Virginia

Why Businesses are turning to Shredding Services Modern businesses produce a huge amount of data, which can be both a blessing and a curse. The production of business documents can be good because the information can allow managers to refine the company’s business practices. This could also turn into a huge security liability. A lot

Costs of Information Security – Northern Virginia

Professional Destruction Services to Protect Information Security Information security is a hot topic with a data breach occurring on an almost weekly basis. If you handle any personally identifiable information (PII) in your company, this issue should be at the forefront of your security planning. Not only could you suffer from direct financial consequences if

Compromised Data: Top 5 Common at Risk Work Habits

Are You Placing Yourself At Risk of Compromised Data? According to the 2016 Breach Level Index (please link this to the article), over 5 million records of compromised data were lost or stolen every day, an 86% total increase than the year before. Securing your data can be as easy as changing a few simple habits in

Join Our Shredding Events and Learn More About Legislation

Learn about Legislation at one of our Proshred® Northern Virginia Shredding Events Businesses in the Northern Virginia are subject to many different pieces of legislation regarding different areas and operations. Believe it or not some of these pieces of legislation incorporate paper shredding as a required component of day-to-day operations. This is why we regularly

Mobile Security Tips: Your Computer Isn’t The Only Device You Should Be Protecting!

PROSHRED is one of the most reputable providers in Northern Virginia for secure document destruction services. Our team strives daily to keep your data secure. But we realize the reality today that information can be leaked from more sources than paper documents. Computers have become a massive target for the collection of sensitive information from

Secure Shredding Services for Your Northern Virginia Financial Institution

Banks and financial institutions throughout Northern Virginia have significant exposure and legal liability in relation to the safe handling of client documents. After all, you are responsible for protecting and recording personal financial details for your customers that if exposed unknowingly could cause substantial damage to both your institution and any clients involved. If the

Hiring a Shredding Service Provider: What You Should Consider

With office space is dwindling, you are beginning to see that file cabinets and desks are piling up with old paperwork and outdated files. Knowing that the majority of the material is deemed private, you may be hanging onto it, hesitant to throw away anything in the event that it could reach the wrong hands. 

A Certificate of Destruction: What it Means

Is your organization thinking about outsourcing its document destruction needs? Obtaining a Certificate of Destruction following the completion of the process is an excellent step towards ensuring full compliance. While document shredding in-house is more desirable than tossing information into the trash, it simply lacks the level of security and reliability that’s received with a

The Top Documents That All North Virginia Companies Should Be Shredding

Each and every year Northern Virginia companies and residents fall victim to fraud, spamming, identity theft and account hacking. This is primarily the result of improper document disposal. Sensitive information can’t be tossed away in the trash as dumpster diving is a concerning issue, and public garbage bins provide zero security for your documents. If

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