When you’re a responsible business owner or department head, paper shredding is often a part of your daily routine. If you like to stay on top of the mountains of paperwork generated by your organization every week and make sure the documents are securely destroyed when no longer needed, you likely utilize some form of office paper shredder.

But if you’re anything like most of us, you’re likely pretty tired of using office shredders. These machines haven’t changed much since their inception, and it’s likely your office’s storage room has one or two archaic looking machines stashed in it somewhere. Old and clunky office paper shredders are liable to break down, make a lot of noise, and generally not function properly. Because we at Proshred® Orlando know a thing or two about the best paper shredders available, we’re counting down the reasons why you need to ditch your outdated office paper shredder and find an alternative with us.

Ditch the Office Paper Shredder

Office Shredders are Costly
The cost to shred in-house can add up quickly, especially when you know that whatever piece of equipment you buy, you’ll likely be replacing it in a few years. That’s because most office paper shredders are cheaply made and wear out fast, and can cost a lot in maintenance fees in the meantime. Ditching your office shredder will release you from spending too much money and resources on what should be a simple, cost-effective task.

Office Shredders Require Lots of Labor
There is probably someone in your office who is tasked with doing the bulk of the paper shredding. This person likely had to be trained on what kind of documents need to be shredded and how to work the machine, as well as empty it and fix any minor snafus. But think of the productivity that is lost when an employee is engaged in a monotonous task like paper shredding. If you don’t have a designated person and everyone does their own shredding, it can still take up valuable time and distract from doing actual business.

Office Shredders are Noisy
The sound of a shredding machine revving up to cut papers into shreds is one that has haunted office hallways for decades. The sound is akin to a vacuum cleaner being turned on, but more mechanical. This noise can be distracting at best and a nuisance at worse, and no one can hold a conversation when the shredder is going.

Office Shredders are Messy
This reason needs little explanation. Office shredders can only hold so much shredded paper before they need to be emptied out, which can be a messy and inconvenient process for all involved.

There is a Much Better Alternative to Office Shredders
The best paper shredders are in fact not office shredders. The best shredders are state-of-the-art industrial shredders that can tackle thousands of documents within minutes and create secure shred sizes that can’t be achieved with store-bought paper shredding machines. These kinds of shredders can only be accessed with a professional paper shredding service like those offered by Proshred® Orlando.

Secure Office Shredding

Benefits of Professional Paper Shredding Services

With an on-going paper shredding service from Proshred®, your company can have access to the most secure and cost-effective method of document destruction available. With scheduled services, a mobile shredding truck will pull up to your office building or warehouse to pick up shred bins and executive consoles that have been placed at your location for collection of sensitive documents. A customer service professional will take your documents and load them onto the truck, where they will be shred on-site and right in front of you. This hassle-free method not only frees you and your employees up from the activity of shredding, but offers many other benefits.

With an on-going service from Proshred® Orlando, you’ll pay just $1.33 per day* for shredding. When you think about the convenience and benefits of having your papers picked up for on-site shredding, this is a bargain! You get the amazing experience of having a Proshred® ninja come in and out of your office before you know it, and are always welcome to watch as your private data gets turned into confetti. Everything we shred also gets recycled after it is destroyed, so no trace of your documents remain behind!

*Based on 8-week service frequency.

For an Alternative to Office Shredders, Call Proshred® Orlando

If we’ve convinced you that mobile shredding trucks are superior to clunky, old, noisy office paper shredders, there’s only one thing left to do! Give us a call at Proshred® to learn all about our paper shredding and data destruction services and find out how we can help. Our services are flexible and can be tailored to your exact needs. We never charge fuel surcharges or other hidden fees, and we provide the most secure document shredding in the business. Don’t wait, give us a call today for a free quote: 1-407-603-8116