November 7, 2017
Differences between Offsite and Onsite Shredding Services
The Difference Between Offsite and Onsite Shredding Service Benefits for Your Company
When it comes to upholding company safety and defending against identity theft, disposing of records properly is of the utmost importance. File-shredding is the most common approach to secure record destruction and due to the popularity, there is a huge market of file-shredding companies that vary greatly in price and service options. With such a variety of options, it can be difficult to determine where to start or how to qualify your decision. One of the first things you should look into when selecting a service is determining if it is an offsite or onsite shredding service.
Offsite Shredding
1. With an off-site shredding service, your paper is collected from your company and transported to a plant for destruction. The records are typically sorted by hand prior to shredding as an attempt to increase production which leaves your information exposed.
2. Once the records have left your office you have no way to confirm that your confidential files have been properly disposed of.
3. The information is shredded and baled up with other documents, at which point you receive a Certification of Destruction. However, there is often a several day delay between shredding and baling, causing a delay in you receiving your certificate.
With the points listed above, it’s easy to tell that offsite shredding leaves a lot of exposure for your records to be put at a higher risk. It’s not possible to determine if your sensitive information is secure in a loading dock before its shredded, and the safety of your information is in the trust of a third party. The alternative to offsite shredding would be to work with a service provider who destroys your documents onsite.
Onsite Shredding
1. Onsite shredding Service is where the supplier will actually visit your place of business and destroy your files onsite.
2. Your files are shredded and blending together inside of a truck, allowing you to oversee the entire process of destruction with onsite shredding.
3. You receive a Certification of Destruction documenting the entire procedure immediately following the onsite destruction.
4. Utilizing this service ensures greater security with a complete chain of custody, providing certainty of what has happened with your information.
With onsite shredding you are provided a prompt and secure service where your information is touched by fewer hands. The saving of time and money with reduced risk exposure in regards to your sensitive information, and security is always a top priority.
PROSHRED® Charlotte is dedicated to best practices for keeping your information secure with offsite and onsite shredding. Review our full list of services to see how we can help you today or call our Charlotte location (980) 704-0502 to create a customized plan today.