Data protection is crucial to any business or organization that handles sensitive information. In today’s digital age, safeguarding data from potential breaches has become more important than ever. While most companies focus on securing data, it’s equally important to identify what information needs to be destroyed for data protection.

This article will discuss the types of information that should be destroyed and the best practices for doing so. Read on to learn more about what information must be disposed of to protect your data. If you’re looking for a mobile shredding company for your data destruction, call the professionals at Proshred® Southern New Jersey today.


Personal Information

Any data that can identify an individual, such as their name, address, date of birth, social security number, and email address, is considered personal information. From small business owners to large corporations, all have a legal obligation to protect this information, and failure to do so can result in significant legal and financial repercussions. It’s essential to securely destroy any personal information no longer needed, such as old employee records, customer data, or anything with identifiable information.


Financial Information

Financial information includes any data related to a person’s finances, such as bank account numbers, credit card details, and tax information. This type of information is highly sensitive and can be used for fraudulent purposes when accessed by scammers and identity thieves. It’s critical to ensure that financial information is securely destroyed, especially when it’s no longer needed to prevent unlawful activities.


Health Information

You may not think your personal health information is important to keep secure, but it’s one of the top ways crooks access your personal data. Health information includes any data related to a person’s medical history, such as medical records, prescriptions, and insurance information. Privacy laws protect this type of information, and companies must adhere to strict guidelines when handling it. Any outdated or unnecessary health information must be securely destroyed, as it can be used to discriminate against individuals or compromise their privacy. Call today for more information regarding our medical record shredding service.


Employee Information

If you own a small business, it’s your responsibility to safeguard your employee’s private information. Employee information includes any data related to an individual’s employment, such as resumes, performance reviews, and disciplinary records. This information must be kept confidential, and any outdated or unnecessary information should be securely destroyed. Failure to do so could result in legal action by employees.


Intellectual Property

Intellectual property includes any data related to a company’s proprietary information, such as trade secrets, patents, and trademarks. This type of information is highly valuable and must be protected from theft or misuse. Companies must securely destroy outdated or unnecessary intellectual property information to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands, where it could lead to product theft and copyright infringement among other issues.

Best Practices for Securely Destroying Information

In the following sections, we’ll recommend best practices to ensure your company protects the personal data of employees and customers. Doing so can lead to increased revenue for businesses and less stress about problematic issues like identity theft and malicious threats.

Shredding – Shredding is one of the most effective methods for securely destroying paper documents containing sensitive information. Companies should invest in high-quality document shredding NJ services.

Hard Drive DestructionHard drive destruction is essential for securely destroying electronic data. Companies should use a professional data destruction service to physically destroy hard drives and ensure the data cannot be recovered.

Data Wiping – Data wiping is another method for securely destroying electronic data. It involves overwriting the data on a hard drive with random data, making it impossible to recover. Companies should use a professional data wiping service so the data is securely destroyed.

Document Retention Policies – Document retention policies are essential for identifying what information must be destroyed and when. Companies should develop a document retention policy that outlines how long different types of information should be kept and when it should be securely destroyed.

Secure Information Destruction

For Professional Data Protection Services, Contact Proshred® Today!

As technology advances, data protection is more critical than ever. Identifying what information needs to be destroyed is the first step to preventing data breaches. For more information on document shredding in New Jersey, contact Proshred® today!