Proper secure document disposal is about more than simply installing a new office shredder. Even if you go to extreme lengths to ensure your records never see the light of day again, you can’t legally call your procedures secure unless they meet specific standards. Here are some of the reasons your sensitive document disposal is best left to the experts.

Defining Correct Document Disposal Procedures

Who sets the standard when it comes to sensitive document disposal? As of early 2015, no less than 32 different state legislatures had codified laws requiring those who handled sensitive personal information to destroy used paper and digital records so that the data was no longer readable or decipherable.

According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, these laws don’t just apply to governments. Many states hold business entities to the same or more stringent guidelines. A good number of states have additionally established penalties for identity theft and failure to notify consumers of security breaches, so companies that don’t follow the guidelines can risk serious consequences.

While the federal government and its actors are restricted by specific laws, like the Privacy Act of 1974, national statutes also apply to businesses. The E-Government Act of 2002, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 all have stipulations for private companies in various industries. In the end, it’s up to each company to learn about the relevant state and national laws that apply to them before they dispose of any documents.

Making Sense of the Law

Unfortunately secure document disposal rules and consumer protection laws can be confusing. The vast majority of businesses that successfully avoid data breaches, fines and penalties do so by working with certified professionals.

The National Association for Information Destruction, Inc., or NAID, maintains a rigorous set of guidelines for information handling, transfer and disposal. NAID certifications are essentially the gold standard in North America, Australasia and Europe. Disposal businesses with NAID accreditation have demonstrated their adherence to applicable legal standards and proven their ability to perform effective destruction practices. Because NAID audits are unannounced, secure document disposal companies that want to maintain their credentials must consistently work to do things correctly.

Proshred Tampa maintains NAID AAA certification as well as ISO 9001 certification, ensuring that our operators are able to meet the needs of diverse entities worldwide. By performing data destruction operations in a risk-minimizing fashion that complies with relevant regional security standards, we help companies, nonprofits and public agencies close the gaps that could put the people they serve in danger. Visit Proshred Tampa now to achieve comprehensive document disposal compliance.