Often when talking about the need to shred secure documents you’ll find that records like financial, medical, or banking get mentioned as the must shred items. While this is absolutely true, there is another type of document that should be a “must shred” that is often over looked. In fact, once you’re made aware of them it seems like it should be a no-brainer that they need to be shredded. What are these? Documents and records related to your children.

It’s a sad state of affairs that information about our children is at risk just the same as our normal information. As sad as those facts are, it’s still true. It is therefore vital that we take the necessary steps to ensure their private information is protected.

As with grownups, be sure you don’t leave your child’s medical records in an “easy to access” location when you have to hold on to them. Keep them secure and out of the way of prying eyes. When it’s time to get rid of them, just as with your medical records, get them shredded professionally. This will help protect against some big problems that could occur later in life should thieves begin committing identity fraud for medical purposes.

While kids are in school there will no doubt be a lot of school papers coming and going from home. These will probably be the most numerous and common form of documents you’ll need to stay on top of for your kids. Report cards, letters to/from teachers, permission slips, etc, are all examples of records some one of ill repute could use to their advantage, and your disadvantage. Proper management of your kids private records will not only help keep them, safe, but it will help to show them from a young age how to handle their private records once they are older.

If you need help taking care of all those records securely, reach out to PROSHRED Tampa; we’ll be able to help you and your kids stay safe from the risks of identity theft.

Call: 1-813-819-0920